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Putra, Ramdani Bayu and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Ridwan, Muhammad and Fitri, Hasmaynelis (2023) DETERMINATION OF INTERESTS IN BUYING SAMSUNG BRAND SMARTPHONE IN ONLINE LEARNING IN THE ERA OF COVID-19. Jurnal ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora, 25 (3). pp. 346-356. ISSN ISSN1411-0911 (Submitted)
Yulasmi, Yulasmi and Syafwandi, Syafwandi and Ridwan, Muhammad (2023) The Role of the Supplier on the Performance of New Product Development through the Quality of the Team. MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 13 (2). pp. 305-319. ISSN 2088-1231
Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Putra, Rio Andhika and Pratiwi, Hanna and Kumbara, Vicky Brama (2023) ASSESSMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION WITH INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Jurnal IPTEKS Terapan, 17 (2). pp. 217-223. ISSN 1979-9292
Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki (2023) Analysis of Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Burnout. Jurnal Ekobistek, 12 (2). pp. 545-550. ISSN 2527-9483
Kumbara, Vicky Brama and Neldi, Mondra and Diana, Yusvi and Ridwan, Muhammad (2023) Determinasi preferensi konsumen, online customer review, kualitas website dan keamanan, terhadap kepuasan konsumen dengan kepercayaan konsumen sebagai pemediasi. JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia), 9 (4). pp. 713-721. ISSN 2477-8524
Kumbara, Vicky Brama and Limakrisna, Nandan and Yulasmi, Yulasmi and Lusiana, Lusiana and Ridwan, Muhammad (2023) THE INFLUENCE OF E-TRUST AND E- SERVICE QUALITY ON E-CUSTOMER LOYALTY FOR DANA DIGITAL WALLET USERS THROUGH E-SATISFACTION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE IN PADANG CITY. Internasional Journal Of Professional Business Review, 8 (8). ISSN 2525-3654
Erdisna, Erdisna and Ridwan, Muhammad and Syahputra, Hadi (2022) Development of a Digital Entrepreneurship Learning Model Using the 4-D Method in Higher Education for Millennial Generation. UTAMAX : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education, 4 (2). ISSN 2685-4252
Ridwan, Muhammad and Putra, Ramdani Bayu and Purwanto, Joko and Fitri, Hasmaynelis (2021) The Effect of Leadership Style and Human Resources Development on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variable. Journal of Business and Economics (JBE), 6 (1). ISSN 2527-3949 (Submitted)
Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Ali, Hapzi (2020) Building Behavior and Performance Citizenship: Perceived Organizational Support and Competence (Case Study at SPMI Private University In West Sumatra). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (6). ISSN 1475-7192
Mandala, Eka Praja Wiyata and Ridwan, Muhammad and Putri, Dewi Eka (2020) DATA MINING PEMBERIAN REWARD PADA KARYAWAN UPI CONVENTION GROUP MENGGUNAKAN NEAREST NEIGHBOR. Jurnal SEBATIK, 2 (4). ISSN 1410-3737
Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Ali, Hapzi (2020) Improving Employee Performance Through Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (12). ISSN 0976-2779
Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Ridwan, Muhammad and Ali, Hapzi (2020) Model of Human Services and Resources: the Improvement Efforts of Silungkang Restaurant Attractiveness on Consumers. Talent Development & Excellence, 12 (1). ISSN 1869-2885
Ridwan, Muhammad (2019) Building Employee Performance: Analysis Discipline and Commitment (A Case Study at UPI Convention Center Padang). Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, 4 (9). ISSN 2415-6671
Ridwan, Muhammad (2019) Model Employee Performance: Compensation Analysis and Discipline (A Case Study at UPI Convention Center Padang). Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, 4 (9). ISSN 2415-6671
Mandala, Eka Praja Wiyata and Ridwan, Muhammad and Putri, Dewi Eka (2019) DATA MINING PENILAIAN KINERJA KARYAWAN UPI CONVENTION GROUP MENGGUNAKAN BAYESIAN CLASSIFIER. SEBATIK, 23 (1). pp. 53-59. ISSN 1410-3737
Veri, Jhon and Elfiswandi, Elfiswandi and Ridwan, Muhammad (2019) The Determinants of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Case Study of Goverment Offices in Indonesia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Research in Business, Management and Economics. (Submitted)
Veri, Jhon and Ridwan, Muhammad (2019) Employee behaviours affecting job satisfaction. This research aims to prove the direct influence of employee behaviour on job satisfaction. An empirical descriptive study was performed, with the sample consisting of 78 employees working in companies processing rubber raw materials in Indonesia. The dat, 12 (3/4). (Submitted)
Veri, Jhon and Ridwan, Muhammad and Defit, Sarjon (2018) The Determinants of Employee Job Satisfaction. SIBR Hong Kong 2018 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research,, 7 (4).
Indan, Robino and Andika, Rio and Ridwan, Muhammad and Dharma, Robby (2016) The Effect of Usefulness, Ease of Use, Risk, and Trust to Behavioral Intention in the Use of Internet Banking. UPI YPTK Journal of Bussines and Economic, 1 (1). pp. 1-15.
Indan, Robino and Andika, Rio and Ridwan, Muhammad and Dharma, Robby (2016) The Effect of Usefulness, Ease of Use, Risk, and Trust to Behavioral Intention in the Use of Internet Banking. Journal of Bussines and Economic,, 1 (1). pp. 1-15.
Erdisna, Erdisna and Ridwan, Muhammad and Syahputra, Hadi (2022) Digital Learning Information System Entrepreneurship in College for Millennials in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic. In: 2021 International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (IC2SE), UPI YPTK Padang.
Erdisna, Erdisna and Ridwan, Muhammad and Syahputra, Hadi (2021) Digital Learning Information System Entrepreneurship in College for Millennials in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic. In: International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (IC2SE).
Hadi, Aulia Fitrul and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Ridwan, Muhammad and Irzon, Irzon and Andini, Silfia (2020) MULTIMEDIA AS A MEDIA FOR ANALYZING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES WITH THE CONCEPT OF BLENDED LEARNING. In: International Conference on Social, Sciences and Information Technology.
Veri, Jhon and Elfiswandi, Elfiswandi and Ridwan, Muhammad (2019) The Determinants of Organizatonal Citizenship Behavior (Case Study of Government Offices in Indonesia). In: International Conference on Advanced Research in Business, Management and Economics.
Putra, Ramdani Bayu and Elfiswandi, Elfiswandi and Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Ekajaya, Dharma Syahrullah and Putra, Rio Andhika (2019) Impact of Learning Motivation, Cognitive and Self-Efficacy in Improving Learning Quality E-Learning in Industrial Era 4.0. In: International Conference Computer Science and Engineering (IC2SE), UPI YPTK Padang.
Veri, Jhon and Elfiswandi, Elfiswandi and Ridwan, Muhammad (2018) The Determinants of Employee Performance. In: International Conference on Business, Management and Economics.
Veri, Jhon and Ridwan, Muhammad and Defit, Sarjon (2018) SIBR Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research: The Determinants of Employee Job Satisfaction. In: SIBR Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research.
Veri, Jhon and Elfiswandi, Elfiswandi and Ridwan, Muhammad (2018) The Determinants of Employee Performance. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 21 December 2018, Berlin.
Ridwan, Muhammad and Syafwandi, Syafwandi and Yulasmi, Yulasmi (2022) Teknik Peramalan Bisnis. Pustaka Galeri Mandiri, Padang. ISBN 978-623-7969-88-4
Putra, Ramdani Bayu and Fitri, Hasmaynelis and Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Elfiswandi, Elfiswandi and Veri, Jhon and Pratiwi, Hanna (2022) HR PRACTICES DAN LEARNING & INNOVATION DALAM MENINGKATKAN KINERJA PEGAWAI. PT AMAZING LIFE PUBLIKASI. ISBN 978-623-09-3261-8 (Submitted)
Putra, Ramdani Bayu and Hasmaynelis, Hasmaynelis and Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Elfiswandi, Elfiswandi and Veri, Jhon and Pratiwi, Hanna (2022) HR PRACTICES DAN LEARNING & INNOVATION DALAM MENINGKATKAN KINERJA PEGAWAI. PT AMAZING LIFE PUBLIKASI. ISBN 978-623-09-3261-8 (Submitted)
Ridwan, Muhammad and Dewi, Muharika and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Pratiwi, Hanna and Rani, Larissa Navia and Mardison, Mardison and Enggari, Sofika and Ramadhanu, Agung and Nengsi, Neni Sri Wahyuni and Putra, Rio Andhika and Muhammad, Abulwafa and Fitriyeni, Fitriyeni and Putra, Ramdani Bayu and Sari, Marta Widian and Sari, Vivi Nila (2020) KEWIRAUSAHAAN. CV. MUHARIKA RUMAH ILMIAH, Universitas Putra Indonesia “YPTK” Padang. ISBN 978-623-92119-6-7
Ridwan, Muhammad and Dewi, Muharika and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Pratiwi, Hanna and Rani, Larissa Navia and Mardison, Mardison and Enggari, Sofika and Ramadhanu, Agung and Nengsi, Neni Sri Wahyuni and Putra, Rio Andhika and Muhammad, Abulwafa and Fitriyeni, Fitriyeni and Putra, Ramdani Bayu and Sari, Marta Widian and Sari, Vivi Nila (2020) KEWIRAUSAHAAN. CV. Muharika Rumah Ilmiah. ISBN 978-623-92119-6-7 (In Press)
Erdisna, Erdisna and Ridwan, Muhammad and Syahputra, Hadi Modul APSI : Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi. Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang.
Erdisna, Muhammad Ridwan, dkk (2021) HAKI : Aplikasi Pembelajaran Learning Digital Entrepreunership di Perguruan Tinggi Untuk Generasi Milenial. 000296969.
Hadi, Aulia Fitrul and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Ridwan, Muhammad and Irzon, Irzon and Andini, Silfia (2023) SIMILARITY:MULTIMEDIA AS A MEDIA FOR ANALYZING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES WITH THE CONCEPT OF BLENDED LEARNING. International COnferance on Social, Science and Information Technology. (Submitted)
Yulasmi, Yulasmi and Syafwandi, Syafwandi and Ridwan, Muhammad (2023) Similarity: The Role of the Supplier on the Performance of New Product Development through the Quality of the Team. MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen. (Submitted)
Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki (2023) Similarity : Analysis of Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Burnout. -. (Unpublished)
Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Putra, Rio Andhika and Pratiwi, Hanna and Kumbara, Vicky Brama (2023) Similarity : Assessment of Human Resource Management Performance in Higher Education With Information Systems. -. (Unpublished)
Veri, Jhon and Ridwan, Muhammad and Lasman, Feri (2023) Similarity: Employee Behaviours Affecting Job Satisfaction. -. (Submitted)
Erdisna, Erdisna and Ridwan, Muhammad and Syahputra, Hadi (2023) Similarity: Modul APSI (Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi). -. (Unpublished)
Veri, Jhon and Ridwan, Muhammad and Defit, Sarjon (2023) Similarity: The Determinants of Employee Job Satisfaction. -. (Submitted)
Ridwan, Muhammad and Putra, Ramdani Bayu and Purwanto, Joko and Fitri, Hasmaynelis (2023) Similarity: The Effect of Leadership Style and Human Resources Development on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variable. -. (Unpublished)
Ridwan, Muhammad and Syafwandi, Syafwandi and Yulasmi, Yulasmi (2022) Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan (Buku):Teknik Peramalan Bisnis. Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Direktur Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual u.b. Direktur Hak Cipta dan Desain Industri, Padang.
Erdisna, Erdisna and Ridwan, Muhammad and Syahputra, Hadi (2022) Similarity : Digital Learning Information System Entrepreneurship in College for Millennials in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic. IEEE Xplore.
Erdisna, Erdisna and Ridwan, Muhammad and Syahputra, Hadi (2022) Meta Data : Digital Learning System Enterprenureship in College for Milenial in The Era of The Covid-19 Pandemic. -. (Unpublished)
Erdisna, Erdisna and Ridwan, Muhammad and Syahputra, Hadi (2022) Similarity : Development of a Digital Entrepreneurship Learning Model Using the 4-D Method in Higher Education for Millennial Generation. LPPM Universitas Lancang Kuning.
Erdisna, Erdisna and Ridwan, Muhammad (2021) Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan di Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni dan Sastra Erdisna, Muhammad Ridwan Dkk. Republik Indonesia, Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. (Unpublished)
Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Ali, Hapzi (2020) Similarity : Building Behavior and Performance Citizenship: Perceived Organizational Support and Competence (Case Study at SPMI Private University In West Sumatra). Hampstead Psychological Associates.
Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Ali, Hapzi (2020) Similarity : Improving Employee Performance Through Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Medknow Publications.
Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Ridwan, Muhammad and Ali, Hapzi (2020) Similarity : Model of Human Services and Resources: the Improvement Efforts of Silungkang Restaurant Attractiveness on Consumers. International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence.
Ridwan, Muhammad (2019) Similarity : Building Employee Performance: Analysis Discipline and Commitment (A Case Study at UPI Convention Center Padang). Scholars Middle East Publishers.
Putra, Ramdani Bayu and Elfiswandi, Elfiswandi and Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Ekajaya, Dharma Syahrullah and Putra, Rio Andhika (2019) Similarity : Impact of Learning Motivation, Cognitive and Self-Efficacy in Improving Learning Quality E-Learning in Industrial Era 4.0. IOP Publishing.
Ridwan, Muhammad (2019) Similarity : Model Employee Performance: Compensation Analysis and Discipline (A Case Study at UPI Convention Center Padang). Scholars Middle East Publishers.
Putra, Ramdani Bayu and Elfiswandi, Elfiswandi and Ridwan, Muhammad and Mulyani, Sitti Rizki and Ekajaya, Dharma Syahrullah and Putra, Rio Andhika (2019) Similarity: Impact of Learning Motivation, Cognitive and Self-Efficacy. International Conference Computer Science And Engineering.
Veri, Jhon and Elfiswandi, Elfiswandi and Ridwan, Muhammad (2018) Similarity: The Determinants of Employee Performance. International Conference On Business, Management, Economics.
Veri, Jhon and Elfiswandi, Elfiswandi and Ridwan, Muhammad Similarity: The Determinant of Organization Citizenship Behavior. International Conference On Advanced Research.