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Wiwik, Sri Rahayu Ginantara Ni Luh and GS, Achmad Daeng and Andini, Silfia and Wanto, Anjar (2022) Pemanfaatan Algoritma Fletcher-Reeves untuk Penentuan Model Prediksi Harga Nilai Ekspor Menurut Golongan SITC. Building of Informatics, Technology and Science (BITS), 3 (4). ISSN 2685-3310 (Submitted)
Wanto, Anjar and Defit, Sarjon and Windarto, Agus Perdana (2021) Algoritma Fungsi Perlatihan pada Machine Learning berbasis ANN untuk Peramalan Fenomena Bencana. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi), 5 (2). ISSN 2580-0760
Windarto, Agus Perdana and Defit, Sarjon and Wanto, Anjar (2021) Optimalisasi Parameter dengan Cross Validation dan Neural Back-propagation Pada Model Prediksi Pertumbuhan Industri Mikro dan Kecil. urnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis, 1. pp. 34-42.
Fatmawati, Kiki and Sundari, Riski and Windarto, Agus Perdana and Istianingsih, Nanik and Hotmansyah, Erwin and Susriyanti, Susriyanti and Wanto, Anjar Analysis of Promothee II Method in the Selection of the Best Formula for Infants Under Three Years. The International Conference on Computer Science and Applied Mathematic.
Wanto, Anjar and Rizki, Syafrika Deni and Andini, Silfia and Surmayanti, S Combination of Sobel+Prewitt Edge Detection Method with Roberts+Canny on Passion Flower Image Identification. -.
Andini, Silfia and Sitanggang, Rianto and Wanto, Anjar and Okprana, Harly and GS, Achmad Daengs Utilization of Rough Sets Method with Optimization Genetic Algorithms in Heart Failure Cases. -.
Wanto, Anjar and Rizki, Syafrika Deni and Andini, Silfia and Surmayanti, S and Ginantra, Ginantra and Aspan, Henry (2020) Journal of Physics Conference Series. In: Virtual Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (VICEST) 2020.
Andini, Silfia and Sitanggang, Rianto and Wanto, Anjar and Okprana, Harly and GS, Achmad Daengs and Aryza, Solly (2020) Utilization of Rough Sets Method with Optimization Genetic Algorithms in Heart Failure Cases. In: Virtual Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (ViCEST).
Ginantra, Ni Luh Wiwik Sri Rahayu and GS, Achmad Daengs and Andini, Silfia and Wanto, Anjar (2023) Similarity: Pemanfaatan Algoritma Fletcher-Reeves untuk Penentuan Model Prediksi Harga Nilai Ekspor Menurut Golongan SITC. -. (Unpublished)
Andini, Silfia and Wanto, Anjar and Devita, Retno and Zain, Ruri HArtika and Hadi, AuliaFitrul (2021) Similarity: Hybrid Canny Zerocross Method for Edge Detection in Retina Identification Cases. IJASET. (Unpublished)
Wanto, Anjar and Rizki, Syafrika Deni and Andini, Silfia and Surmayanti, S and Ginantra, N LW S R (2021) Similarity: Combination of Sobel+Prewitt Edge Detection Method with Roberts+Canny on Passion Flower Image Identification. -. (Unpublished)